A New Beginning

begin blog fresh start new start Mar 07, 2024

"Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now! I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water there." - Isaiah 43:19 (GNT)

As I sit here and write, I can't help but smile. I am finally giving God a deeper surrender when it comes to writing. Yes, I have written several books and devotionals. But, this is different. At the end of last year. The Lord reminded me that I was called to write. I was called to put words on a page that would be an extension of Him. I was called to put words on a page that would infuse faith into the body of Christ. And practically speaking, He wanted me to start by re-launching this blog. 

Years ago I blogged. I went through seasons of both consistency and inconsistency when it came to blogging. Then I eventually transitioned my blog to reflect a summary of my podcast. And while I still have the podcast (btw, go subscribe to it if you haven't 💛) and will continue to have the podcast, it was very much on my heart to get back to blogging in the more traditional sense.

So here I am, sitting, praying, writing, praying, smiling, praying, and praying some more. I don't just want to blog for the sake of blogging. I truly do want God to use this blog for His glory. I want the words on the page to reflect the heartbeat and message of the Lord. I want the words on the page to empower and equip every single reader to live a Christ-centered life. So, here I am -- me and my obedient heart. Finally.

It's not even that I didn't want to do it. It's that I got wrapped up in how I was going to start this or restart this while holding on to the way I was doing my blog with the podcast.

Mistake number one: Trying to hold on to the old when God is calling you to something new.

Because I wouldn't let go of the old format in my heart, there was no room for God to increase me using the new format.

I also debated on whether to start or restart the blog on this same platform or put it on a whole different platform.

Mistake number two: Caring more about the presentation than His presence.

When God tells us to do something that means He's in it. He's breathed on it and He wants us to step out in obedience. He has people in mind who we are called to help. We do what we can with what's in our hands and let Him do the rest. The presentation can improve as we go if needed, but we should not let it stop us. When we do that, we are making it about us. 

 I want you to learn from my mistakes today. When God leads you, just follow. It's so much better His way! Sitting here writing and releasing these words is bringing me so much joy. It's OK that my podcast isn't going to be featured on my blog, at least for right now. God wants the words that He is giving me to be featured.

So, I said all that to say, the blog is back! It's back in a fresh new way and I'm excited about it. I'm excited to pray about what to share each week. I'm excited about the revelation God will give me. I am excited for the fruit that will come out of my obedience. 

How can you apply this in your life: Whatever He tells you to do, do it! 

Dear God, thank you for this moment. Thank you for allowing me to share the words, experiences, and revelation with Your people. I pray blessings over each reader. I know you are speaking to each one and I pray that you would increase their understanding and boldness to do what you have called them to do. Help them to focus on what's most important. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Thanks for hanging out with me today! I'd love to connect further. Join my community, The Live Love Lead Community. We are a group of purpose-driven women living Christ-centered lives. 

I love you with the love of Christ! ~ April Nicole Scipio 💛