Change is Possible!

change Apr 12, 2021

No matter what month of the year you read this, I want you to know that change is possible. We often have "change" on our minds at the beginning of each year and then by mid-year, we tell ourselves that we will just wait until the new year to make changes. It doesn't have to be that way. :)

It starts with you believing that change truly IS possible AND you must take an honest look at yourself. Who are you? What are your current habits? How would you describe your mindset? How do you feel about your career? Are your relationships healthy? Are your finances stable? ... No matter what area of your life you want to change, ask yourself the tough questions.

Again, change is possible. But, it's up to you! You can't do the same thing and get new results. You have to decide that you are worth the work it takes to change. You are worth stepping out of your comfort zone. You are worth it!

Here are 4 things you can do to prepare to make changes in your life:

(1) Get mentally prepared. (Write down why you desire this change)

(2) Decide what your primary focus will be. (What will move the needle the furthest)

(3) Commit to take the NEXT step. (We make the commitment before it gets hard, not during the hard)

(4) Embrace Accountability. (You will impress when people inspect)

How do we know change is possible? Change is possible because God NEVER changes. He is our constant help, guide, and friend. 

Numbers 23:19 (AMP) - "“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good and fulfill it?"

My prayer is that today, you would trust that God is committed to helping you become the best version of yourself. As you lean into His constant love and grace, you will position yourself to change. May we all change to be more and more like Him.

It is possible.