Habits - The Difference Maker

habits Jul 12, 2022

Have you ever wondered the difference between someone who is overwhelmed with the day-to-day operations of life and those who seem to be in a flow? What about those who have failed to take action and those who are moving confidently toward their goals? How do you move from being stressed to being at rest?

Have you ever seen someone who didn't seemed phased by the complexity of their life? They are very successful while displaying a sense of calm. This is different from the person who is so overwhelmed with the day-to-day operations of life, staying busy while not accomplishing much.

I am convinced that there is one thing that makes the biggest impact. It's the thing between living a live full of overwhelm and uncertainty and living a life experiencing the peace and prosperity you desire. That one thing is habits.

Habits are the difference between where you are now and where you desire to be. Habits are the difference between the person you see in the mirror and the person you are becoming. Habits are the difference between staying on the hamster wheel and moving forward with confidence.
I am convinced that when you create habits in your life that stick and are sustainable, you will take your life and business to the next level.

So, where do you start?

1) You must shift your mindset. You have to believe that creating habits that stick is possible for you. You must realize that habits begin from developing who you are as a person. We must 'be' before we can 'do'.

2) You must own your assignment. God has given you a unique gift and assigned to you a problem that you were created to solve. When you recognize the importance of the assignment and you desire to steward it well, you begin to create habits that align with your purpose and values.

3) You must develop routines, systems, and schedules. Habits are formed when you can produce in a way that seems like things are on autopilot. You need routines, systems, and schedules that serve you well. When you put these things in place you begin to retrain your brain.

4) Evaluate often and adjust as necessary. This is probably my favorite tip when it comes to creating habits that stick. Habits are sustainable when they work well for YOU. You have to be willing to evaluate your habits. We don't want a habit just because it's someone else's habit. Also, we want to make sure the habit is truly enhancing our life. Once you evaluate it, you can then make adjustments that make sense and that will benefit you.

I want to encourage you to discover, define, and develop habits in your life that will stick and position you to live a life of peace and prosperity. It's time for you to move beyond what you think is possible. It starts here, with your habits.

What habits are you developing and/or evaluating in your life right now?