I'm R.I.C.H. - Part 3 (Committing to God's Love)

forgive love Feb 21, 2024

This path won't be easy. Growth often means stepping outside our comfort zones, facing challenges, and stretching beyond what feels familiar. But let me assure you, this stretching with God is a beautiful process. It signifies his hand shaping us, preparing us for greater things.

Our first step dives into the transformative power of committing to God's love, particularly by loving others. This commitment flows from recognizing the immense love bestowed upon us by God. As 1 John 4:11 reminds us, "Since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other."

Loving others isn't optional; it's a response to the unconditional love we've received through Jesus Christ. It's about extending that same love to those around us, embodying Luke 10:27's message of loving God and our neighbors as ourselves.

But let's be honest. What often hinders us from truly loving others? Maybe it's the hurt they've caused, our own limitations, or even the enemy's schemes to disrupt God's plan of love. Remember, Ephesians 6:12 clarifies that our struggle isn't against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces.

Thankfully, we're not alone in this journey. The Holy Spirit dwells within us, empowering us to love beyond our human capacity. We receive his love, and in response, we love others. When challenges arise, we can recognize them as opportunities to respond with love, grace, and forgiveness.

Forgiveness, though challenging, is a potent tool in our love arsenal. We'll explore its transformative power next week, but for now, let's focus on practical steps to integrate God's love into our daily lives:

  • Find a healthy community: Join a group where you can confess your struggles, receive prayer, and find healing. James 5:16 emphasizes the power of shared confession and prayer for healing.
  • Practice random acts of kindness: Surprise someone with a helping hand or a small gesture of appreciation. The more we engage in these acts, the more naturally they reflect our response to God's love.
  • Serve others: Look for opportunities to serve those around you, in your community, or even globally. Serving is a tangible way to extend God's love.

As we conclude, let's pray for the courage to love relentlessly, even when it feels risky or challenging. Let's commit to expressing God's love to everyone He places in our path, knowing that through this commitment, we will experience the fullness of life He has promised us.

May this journey of committing to God's love be truly transformative, shaping us into vessels of his love and grace in a world that desperately needs it.

Join us next week as we dive deeper into the power of forgiveness! Let's support each other and grow together in this beautiful commitment to God's love!


Today on the podcast, we are continuing our series titled I'm R.I.C.H. It's all about the love of God. Here in part 3 (Committing to God's Love), we will unpack specifically the importance of expressing God's love to others. Loving people is a real commitment and oftentimes requires us to grow, especially when others do not treat us well. Make the quality decision to forgive others and love them with the love of Christ. As you listen to today's episode, embrace the stretching.  Listen in, and meditate on the power of God's love and how it is the path to receiving all God has for us to experience. 

Key Highlights of the Episode:

- We are rich because we have the love of God.

- let's commit to loving others. 

- Growth comes with stretching

- When you love God's people, it's a commitment

- God has expressed His love to us

- We respond to God's love is to love other people

- Committing God's love gives us a direct path to experience all that God has for us

- The enemy doesn't want us to love because he knows that's the foundation of everything

- Practice love 

- Be courageous today and love again

 Don’t miss this episode and let me know if this inspired you in any way. I always love hearing from you and connecting with you. Send me an email: [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @aprilnicolescip 

Let's further connect. Join my Community, the Live Love Lead Community. We are a group of purpose-driven women living Christ-centered lives. 

Grab your copy of The More in Your Morning Journal by CLICKING HERE.

The More Academy is now housed inside of The Live Love Lead Community, go to https://www.aprilnicolescipio.com/liveloveleadcommunity