Is Going LIVE Really Necessary?

elevate media Jan 24, 2023

Is Going LIVE really necessary? Well... I guess that depends on the person, the business, and the audience, right? In my opinion the answer is yes because I have seen how live video has truly benefited my business. Live video can be a useful tool for increasing visibility because it creates a space for real-time engagement with your audience and can be used to promote products, services, or events. Live video gives you real-time audience interaction through comments, which can help develop a sense of community and engagement.

Now, I know there are other ways to increase visibility through social media, search engine optimization, and content marketing. But, I believe that live video can be an effective tool that you should use.

Besides visibility and engagement, live video creates a level of authenticity. Because it is unedited and unscripted, it can give viewers the sense that they are getting a more authentic version of you and your business. Live video can also increase your reach. It can be streamed on multiple platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, which increases the potential reach of the content.

Ok, you know I have to throw in the productivity piece. There are several things that can be done to maximize the time spent on a live video:

  1. Plan ahead: Before the live video, plan out the content and structure of the video. Have an outline of what you want to talk about and how you want to engage with the audience.

  2. Promote the live video: Share the live video on social media and other platforms ahead of time to generate interest and encourage people to tune in.

  3. Engage with the audience: Encourage audience engagement during the live video by asking questions, conducting polls, and responding to comments.

  4. Use visuals: Use visuals to complement the content of the video and make it more engaging for the audience. Streamyard is a great tool for this. 

  5. Have a call to action: End the video with a call to action, such as directing viewers to a website or encouraging them to share the video with others. You may even direct them to a lead magnet or other offer.

  6. Follow up: After the live video, follow up with viewers by sharing the recorded video and responding to comments and messages.

  7. Analyze the performance: Look at the metrics of the video to see how many people watched and engaged with the video, this will help you understand what worked and what didn't.

By planning ahead, promoting the video, engaging with the audience, using visuals, and following up after the video, you can maximize the time spent on a live video and make it as effective as possible.

If you are truly ready to use live video to elevate your brand experience, join 1281 Elevate - my 8 week media mentorship. To learn more, visit