Let Go of The Past

forgiveness grace self-sabotage Nov 29, 2023


It's easy to get caught up in the past, allowing it to hinder our present and future. Self-sabotaging behaviors, often rooted in past hurts and negative thought patterns, can trap us in a cycle of self-destruction. However, through God's grace and forgiveness, we can break free from these patterns and embrace a life of freedom and growth.

The Power of Grace and Forgiveness

The Bible tells us that "for it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves. It is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9). This profound truth reminds us that our salvation is not based on our own merits or efforts, but rather on God's unmerited favor and love.

This same grace extends to our daily struggles, offering forgiveness for our past mistakes and enabling us to move forward. As we embrace God's grace, we release ourselves from the burden of guilt and shame, allowing us to approach life with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility.

Letting Go of the Past

Letting go of the past is not about forgetting our experiences or condoning the actions of others. Instead, it's about choosing to not let those experiences define our present or future. It's about recognizing that we have the power to break free from the shackles of the past and embrace a life of hope and healing.

As we let go of the past, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences. We create space for personal growth, positive relationships, and a deeper connection with God.

Extending Grace to Others

True forgiveness extends beyond accepting God's grace and includes extending that same grace to others. Just as God has forgiven us for our shortcomings, we are called to forgive those who have wronged us.

Colossians 3:13 instructs us to "bear with each other and forgive one another, if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." This act of forgiveness is not about condoning others' actions but about freeing ourselves from the chains of resentment and bitterness.

Embracing Freedom

Overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors and embracing God's grace is a journey, not a destination. There will be ups and downs, moments of doubt and setbacks. However, with God's guidance and support, we can continue to move forward, shedding the weight of the past and embracing the fullness of life that God intends for us.

Remember, as we embrace God's grace and forgiveness, we not only experience personal freedom but also become conduits of that same grace to others. Together, we can create a world rooted in love, compassion, and understanding.


Today on the podcast, we finishing a four-part series all about self-sabotage. I don't claim to be an expert, but I do claim to have an open heart that's ready to let God do what He wants to do. We are in this together. As a community, we are getting in God's Word and breaking free from self-sabotaging behaviors. We have experienced so much freedom in this area and God wants to take us to another level. Today we have the opportunity to embrace God's grace and forgiveness in a new way. We no longer subscribe to guilt, shame, and condemnation. We no longer let the actions of others keep us bound. We are letting go of the past!

Key Highlights of the Episode:
— We are free and God wants to take us to another level

— There is grace and forgiveness for me

— Grace and forgiveness cannot be earned

— Let go of the past

— Let God create a clean heart in you

— We don't subscribe to guilt and shame

— God is perfecting us

— We are new. Embrace it.

— Extend God's grace and forgiveness to others

— We are not in bondage to the actions of someone else

Don’t miss this episode and let me know if this inspired you in any way. I always love hearing from you and connecting with you. Send me an email: [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @aprilnicolescip 

Let's further connect. Join my FB Group, the Live Love Lead Community. We are a group of women building authentic friendships centered around God's Word. 

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