Overcoming Obstacles

obstacles overcome Oct 25, 2023



I know that some of you may be feeling discouraged right now. Maybe you've been facing challenges in your pursuit of purpose, and you're wondering if it's worth it to keep going. I want to encourage you today that it is worth it.

The Bible tells us that in this world, we will have trouble. But Jesus also tells us that he has overcome the world. This means that we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way because Jesus has already overcome it for us.

So, how do we overcome obstacles in pursuing our purpose? Here are a few tips:

Cry out to the Lord. When you're facing a challenge, don't try to go through it alone. Cry out to the Lord and ask for his help. He hears your prayers, and he will deliver you from all your troubles.

Be confident that God is with you. Remember that God is always with you, even in the midst of your challenges. He loves you and he cares for you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

Stand in faith that God will deliver you. When you're facing an obstacle, don't give up. Stand in faith that God is going to deliver you. He is faithful and true, and he will always keep his promises.

Here is a verse from the Bible that I encourage you to memorize and meditate on:

The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them. He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:17-18)

Remember, you can overcome any obstacle in pursuing your purpose because Jesus has already overcome the world for you. So cry out to the Lord, be confident that he is with you, and stand in faith that he will deliver you.

It is not too late to achieve your goals and live out your purpose. With God, all things are possible.


Today on the podcast, we are making the quality decision to NOT QUIT! We are also not subscribing to the idea of just coasting in to the new year. As you look at your goals that you created at the beginning of the year, you may see some goals that you think you are unable to reach. But don't let that stop you from going full speed ahead as you pursue what God has for you! He is a waymaker. He hears you and He is responding! Because of Christ you have the strength you need to walk in the victory He has already provided! It's not time to give up. It's GO TIME! Make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode. 

Key Highlights of the Episode:
— Obstacles are going to come

— Make the decision not to coast or quit

 — It's time to fully pursue all God has for you, even in the midst of obstacles

— Jesus reminds us that we are overcomers

— We face both internal and external challenges

— Challenges are an opportunity to grow 

 — Quitting is not even an consideration

— Failures are not going to stop you!

— Through Christ, we have strength 

— God gives us strategy for our challenges

— In the middle of challenges, God hears us, responds, and saves!

Don’t miss this episode and let me know if this inspired you in any way. I always love hearing from you and connecting with you. Send me an email: [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @aprilnicolescip 

Let's further connect. Join my FB Group, the Live Love Lead Community. We are a group of women building authentic friendships centered around God's Word. 

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