Soul-Care with a Busy Life

rest retreat soul-care Dec 20, 2023


Life can be a whirlwind of obligations, responsibilities, and constant hustle. I's easy to neglect our most important need: caring for our souls. But just like a plant needs sunlight and water to thrive, our souls need nourishment and rest to stay healthy and vibrant.

Rest and Recharge

Matthew 11:28 reminds us, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Our busy schedules often leave us depleted, but taking time to rest and recharge is essential for our soul's well-being. This could mean anything from getting a good night's sleep to taking a relaxing bath or simply spending time in silence.

Set and Respect Boundaries

We live in a culture of constant availability, but it's crucial to establish healthy boundaries for ourselves. This means saying no to requests that drain our energy, setting limits on work hours, and creating space for personal time. Remember, respecting your boundaries is not selfish; it's an act of self-care that allows you to better serve others.

Nourish Your Mind

Just as we wouldn't feed our bodies unhealthy food, we shouldn't feed our minds unhealthy content. Fill your mind with positive and inspiring things like reading scripture, listening to uplifting music, or spending time in nature. Meditate on God's word and allow it to guide your thoughts and actions.

Seek Sunshine and Nature

Getting outdoors and soaking up the sun is a powerful way to boost your mood and energy levels. Take a walk in the park, sit by a babbling brook, or simply enjoy the warmth of the sun on your skin. Connecting with nature can be a deeply grounding and restorative experience for the soul.

Create Opportunities for Retreat

In Luke 5:16, Jesus himself provides a powerful example: "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." Just like Jesus, we need to make time for solitude and reflection. This could involve planning a solo getaway, taking a digital detox, or simply finding a quiet corner in your home to connect with your inner self.

Caring for our souls is not a luxury, it's a necessity. By incorporating these practical tips into our lives, we can find rest, renewal, and purpose even amidst the chaos. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Lean on God's strength and allow Him to guide you as you prioritize your soul's well-being. May you find peace, joy, and renewed energy as you cultivate a life that nourishes both your body and your spirit.


Today on the podcast, we are continuing a series all about soul-care. Many of us have included a form of self-care along the way, but in this series, we take an intentional look at properly caring for your soul. If we want to fulfill God's plan for our lives, we must participate with Him when it comes to taking care of ourselves. This means taking intentional action to make sure our souls are healthy. In today's episode, we are reminded of the importance of nurturing our souls in a lifestyle of busy. It's time to normalize resting and retreating. 

Key Highlights of the Episode:
— We can come to God when we feel burdened

— Taking moments of rest is important

— Set boundaries in all the aspects of our lives

— Once you set boundaries, you must protect them

 — Meditate on God's Word

— It matters what you feed your mind

— Get outside and get some sunshine

— Your path doesn't have to look like anyone else's path

— Take time for a digital detox

— Make opportunities to go away and retreat

— Take time to evaluate your rhythms as you nourish your soul

Don’t miss this episode and let me know if this inspired you in any way. I always love hearing from you and connecting with you. Send me an email: [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @aprilnicolescip 

Let's further connect. Join my FB Group, the Live Love Lead Community. We are a group of women building authentic friendships centered around God's Word. 

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