Start Now

action start Dec 13, 2021

As we enter the last few weeks of the year, I can't help but to think about how many people are deciding what changes they want to make for the new year. We talk ourselves into thinking that January 1st has this special sauce that produces the will power to change. Now, I too love new beginnings. However, we must be intentional about developing the discipline it takes to experience sustainable change. 

Let me encourage you. If you have a desire within to change, start now. There is no reason to wait until January 1st. Here are some tips to getting you started on creating the best year of your life:

S. - Start Now (Yes, I'm repeating myself on purpose. The enemy will give you 1000 reasons why you can't start now. Drone the noise of later by taking action today.)

T. - Take Inventory (What went well this year? What do you need to keep doing? What went south? What do you need you disconnect from? Who do you need to disconnect from? What behaviors do you need to disconnect from?)

A. - Ask for Help (Lord knows we can't do this life well on our own. In fact, we weren't designed to life alone. As a coach, of course I'm a fan of having a coach. I am a coach who has coaches. I have a business coach and a health coach. At the time I'm writing this, I have a meeting with a financial coach tomorrow and plan on hiring her. Why? You get further fastest as you connect with and invest in the people God assigns you to and aligns you with. You can do well on your own. But why just do well, do things beyond what you think is possible. 

R. - Resist Fear (Anytime you initiate change, there is the possibility to experience fear because you are stepping into the unknown. Fear is not from God. Know that God is in you, with you, and for you. When He leads you to do something, do it regardless of what emotions you feel. Resist fear by speaking faith.)

T. - Take It One Day at a Time (If you're like me, when you make up your mind up about something, you want it to happen yesterday. As you start taking steps to activate change in your life, remember that is it one step at a time. You get to the finish line as long as you keep taking steps.)

I hope you're encouraged today to START. If you are ready for change and ready to position yourself for the MORE God has for you, you do not have to wait until January 1st. Start today! You got this!