The Mindset for Media

clarity media mindset Oct 25, 2022

When it comes to making your digital footprint, having the right mindset is very important. Why? Because the enemy will do His best to talk you out of showing up. He'll hit you with thoughts of insecurity, thoughts of doubting if you are making an impact, and thoughts that question your ability to be consistent. Do you notice a pattern? Our thoughts are powerful.

This is why scripture tells us:

Proverbs 23:7 (KJV) - "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."

 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV) - "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

As Kingdom business owners, showing up in media is how we get our message out there and they enemy fights us on this every day. We must develop a mindset for media. We must be clear, consistent, and confident.

Clarity is the foundation. Clarity helps us to stay in alignment as we stay in motion with what God has for us and the message we are called to get out. The first thing you need to be clear about is the truth that you were called. You have to be clear that you are called to the message. When the enemy wants you to question whether or not you should show up, you can let him know that you called. It's not a matter of if I want to show up, it's a responsibility that God gave me.

Additionally, our message is most often connected to our story. That gives us additional insight to the truth that we are called. God took us on a journey and through a process. We now can help others through their journey and process by sharing our story. We are called to the story, so we are clear that we are called to the message. Also, it's worth mentioning, that being clear doesn't mean you know all the steps. It just means you have what you need to take the next step. The more steps of faith you take with God, the clearer things will become. 

When it comes to being consistent, consistency is the glue that holds everything together. It truly is the key to success. I have found that in order to be consistent you need to do three things:

1) Focus on one thing at a time. We have been conditioned to think that multi-tasking is a spiritual gift. It's not. Even when I am planning out my week, I have focus days. For example, Mondays are admin day and Fridays are content day. This helps me to focus on specific tasks that are related. 

2) Have a plan. It is important for you to not only have time blocks in your schedule, but you also need to plan out how you will use those time blocks. What are your goals for each block? What action steps are needed? Have a clear plan for how you use your time.

3) Incorporate accountability. I always say that people impress when people inspect. Having someone who will check in on you and your efforts is a great way to make sure you follow through with what you set out to do. Give people in your life that love you and that you trust to point out your blind spots and nudge you along the way. Whether it is a friend, a colleague, a mentor, or a coach, you need someone in your life to hold you accountable.

The last thing I'll touch on is confidence. I need you to know that the enemy is always attacking our confidence. He has since the beginning of time. In the garden, the enemy was able to get Eve to doubt if she heard from God and not have confidence in who she already was. Be intentional about protecting your confidence. Here's how I protect mine:

1) I recognize that I am not doing anything in my own strength.

Philippians 4:13 (NLT) - "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

2) I lean into the Holy Spirit instead of leaning into fear. 

2 Timothy 1:7 (TPT) - "For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control.”

3) I allow the Lord to help me. When I face things, I do not know, I ask Him for guidance. 

Hebrews 13:6 (ESV) - "So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

The bottom line is that your mindset is very important when it comes to media. Take the necessary steps to develop a healthy media mindset so you can show up with clarity, consistency, and confidence.

It's time to elevate how you show up in media!

I am on a mission to help you with this. Get registered for my masterclass: Elevate Your Brand Experience through Media

I will be unpacking:

• 5 things that should happen as a result of you creating media
• The 3-part process that all your media goes through and how through each part of the process, you can elevate your brand experience
• How to answer this QUESTION: What is your next step in creating an elevated brand experience through your media?

I definitely hope to see you there!

CLICK HERE to get registered!

It's GO Time!

Be Blessed!