There is More — Part 2: Refocusing on Your God-Dream

focus more Jul 12, 2023



As you know, the enemy is the master of distractions. He would love for you to put your time, your energy, your talents, and your efforts into anything other than God's dream.

But here's the thing: God's dream is the thing that's going to change the world. It's the thing that's going to take back territory for the kingdom. It's you advancing God's agenda here on the Earth, fulfilling his plans, his purposes, and ultimately his will for your life.

The enemy does not want that. So if he can get you to just turn your head just a little bit, he will.

I'm not talking about turning your head 90 degrees. That would be obvious. I'm talking about the slight one-degree little turns that get us off course.

I don't know if you've ever been on an airplane, but if the pilot is just one degree off, even though you're going in the same direction, you will end up in a totally wrong destination far from the original intent.

That's why it's so important to stay focused on God's dream. If you let just a little bit of distraction creep in, it can quickly lead you off course.

So how do you stay focused?

Here are a few tips:

  • Write down your vision. This will help you to keep it top of mind and to refer back to it when you're feeling discouraged.
  • Stay connected to God. Spend time in prayer and in the Word so that you can hear his voice and stay aligned with his will.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who will encourage you and help you to stay on track.
  • Don't give up. No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up and keep moving forward.

I know that it's not always easy to stay focused, but it's worth it. God's dream is too important to let it slip away.

So today, I challenge you to refocus on God's dream. Write down your vision, stay connected to God, surround yourself with positive people, and don't give up.

I believe that if you do these things, you will see God's dream come to pass.

Bible verses about staying focused:

  • Proverbs 20:18: "When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful."
  • Habakkuk 2:2-3: "Then the Lord said to me, write my answer plainly on tablets so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow and coming, wait, pay patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed."
  • Galatians 6:9: "So let's not get tired of doing what is good at just the right time. We will reap a harvest of blessings if we don't give up."

I hope this blog post has encouraged you to refocus on God's dream. I believe that if you do, you will see amazing things happen in your life.



Today, make the decision that you are not giving up. Instead, refocus. As you go after the MORE God has for your life and business, write down what God tells you. As you go back and read what He speaks to your heart, you can make sure you are focused and aligned with His plan. If you catch yourself off track, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you back to the place God has for you. His place is a place of peace, joy, and overflow. Stay focused on your God-dream! It will lead you to the MORE God has for you.

Key Highlights of the Episode:

— We are on a journey of MORE as the Live Love Lead Community

— Obedience is the most important thing

— Refocus on your God-Dream

— The enemy wants you to be distracted because your God-Dream advances God's agenda

— Writing down your vision is key

— God's timing is intentional

— Identify what or who has gotten you off track

— Be persistent

Don’t miss this episode and let me know if this inspired you in any way. I always love hearing from you and connecting with you. Send me an email: [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @aprilnicolescip