There is More — Part 4: Embracing Rest

more peace rest Jul 26, 2023




The journey of more is a journey of expansion. We are growing and stretching ourselves in new ways, both physically and mentally. This can be a very exciting time, but it can also be a time of great stress.

If we are not careful, we can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget to take care of ourselves. We can start to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. This is where the gift of rest comes in.

Rest is not just about taking a break from our activities. It is about coming back to God and receiving His strength and guidance. When we rest, we are able to clear our minds and hearts, so that we can hear God's voice and be led by Him.

There are many ways to embrace rest. Here are a few tips:

  1. Set boundaries. It is important to set boundaries in our lives so that we do not overextend ourselves. This means saying no to things that are not a priority and making time for things that are.
  2. Take breaks. It is important to take breaks throughout the day, even if it is just for a few minutes. Get up and move around, or take some time to relax and clear your head.
  3. Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. Make sure you are getting enough sleep each night so that you can function at your best.
  4. Spend time in nature. Spending time in nature can be a great way to relax and de-stress. Go for a walk in the park, hike in the woods, or sit by the ocean.
  5. Connect with God. Spending time with God is the best way to find true rest. When we come to Him, He gives us His peace and strength.

Why is rest important on the journey of more?

There are a few reasons why rest is important on the journey of more. First, rest allows us to refuel physically, mentally, and emotionally. When we are rested, we are better able to focus, make decisions, and handle stress.

Second, rest helps us to stay connected to God. When we are busy and stressed, it can be easy to get disconnected from God. But when we take time to rest, we are able to come back to Him and receive His strength and guidance.

Third, rest helps us to stay motivated. When we are constantly running on empty, it can be easy to get discouraged and give up. But when we take time to rest, we are able to renew our motivation and keep moving forward.

How can I embrace rest on the journey of more?

Here are a few tips for embracing rest on the journey of more:

  • Be intentional about setting boundaries. Don't be afraid to say no to things that are not a priority.
  • Take breaks throughout the day. Get up and move around, or take some time to relax and clear your head.
  • Get enough sleep. This is essential for your physical and mental health.
    Spend time in nature. This is a great way to relax and de-stress.
  • Connect with God. This is the best way to find true rest.

The journey of more can be an exciting time, but it is important to remember that we need rest. When we embrace rest, we are better able to pursue God's purposes for our lives.



We know that God has MORE for us. As we embrace this journey, we must also embrace the REST he desires for us to experience. As we expand, we must lean more into the peace that belongs to us. God doesn't desire his MORE to be a heavy burden. His MORE comes with an anointing of ease. How do we access this? We must let God teach us. Today, there is an invitation to receive true rest. The greater our revelation of this, the greater the transformation.

Key Highlights of the Episode:

— God has MORE for you.

— Embrace rest on this journey of MORE

— Expansion does not mean exhaustion

— Expanding comes with an anointing of ease

— God does not want you to carry the heavy burden of MORE

— Allow God to teach you how to rest

— As you embrace this revelation, it leads to transformation

— Everything will be fine for you

— Receive true rest today

Don’t miss this episode and let me know if this inspired you in any way. I always love hearing from you and connecting with you. Send me an email: [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @aprilnicolescip