What To Do When You Don't Know What to Do!

direction guidance help Jun 03, 2023

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post that was just an impromptu leading of the Holy Spirit. I usually plan on what I write each week and sit down and unpack it and then write my piece. Well, today's writing is none of that. I am unpacking these thoughts in real time as I sit at my computer and type these words. I am believing that whatever ends up on this page is exactly what the Lord wants me to share with you.

So, this nudge to write came up after I.R.O.N.ing out Proverbs 3:6 (NLT) today. **Side note: If you want to learn how to I.R.O.N. bible verses, join my FB Community**

Proverbs 3:6 (NLT) says. "Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take." I started thinking, how many times in my life and in my business I didn't know which path to take. There have been moments when I didn't know what to do, yet I knew I needed to do something. 

Maybe you're in that position right now. Maybe there is a decision you need to make, or a direction you want to go in, but you don't feel very sure about what to do. You don't know which path to take. And in full transparency, I find myself in that kind of moment right now. There is a decision I need to make and I am not exactly clear on what to do. So, what do you do when you don't know what to do?

As I sat down and journaled my thoughts on Proverbs 3:6, I began to realize that seeking God starts with desiring Him. We must desire what He wants more than what we want. It became more clear that seeking Him wasn't so much about what I did, but more so on my heart posture. A heart posture of desiring what God wants, opens up revelation to the direction we should go in and the steps to take on our journey. 

So I want to encourage you today, as I encourage myself, that in the middle of what seems like chaos — we just have to turn our hearts toward God. We don't have to try to figure anything out. We just have to desire Him and choose His will over ours, even when His will isn't completely revealed. We choose to trust Him. We allow Him to lead us ONE step at a time. When we seek Him and desire what He wants, He is right there to show us the way. And ultimately, He shows us Himself because He IS the way. 

As God reveals Himself to us, the next step is revealed. For me, in this moment of not knowing what to do, I realize that the only thing I need to know is the next step I should take. I don't have to concern myself with the series of steps the decision requires or try to figure out the outcome of the steps I will take. It's so easy to try to map out all the steps in our heads and then if we don't get the desired outcome we go back and re-map the steps. We can find ourselves on the hamster wheel of rehearsing all the possible outcomes. Where's the faith in that?

Today, I am choosing to trust God. I am going to take one step today. It doesn't matter how small the step feels, I am going to take the step. So, what do you do when you don't know what to do? 

1) Turn your heart to the Father

2) Desire Him more than anything else

3) Trust Him no matter what

4) Allow Him to reveal Himself to you

5) Take the ONE step He puts on your heart, even if it seems small

I'd like to pray for you today:

Dear God, I lift up every person who will read this. You know who they are and what they need in this moment. You know the decision they have to make or the direction they should take. Heavenly father, I am asking you to reveal Yourself to them and make their next step CLEAR. As they seek you and desire Your will, thank you Lord for showing them the path to take according to Proverbs 3:6. I come against any doubt, fear, or anxiety that would try to come over them. I declare they have a calm, and well-balanced mind in Jesus name. Holy Spirit, lead them today and let them them experience the supernatural peace that only You can provide. Lord, if there is any part of their lives that feels chaotic, I pray for you to calm the storm and let them see that You are greater than anything they are facing or ever will face. Thank you for being with them today. In Jesus name, Amen!

I truly love you with the love of Christ and continue to pray blessings over you today.  

I'd love to connect further. If this spoke to your heart today, send me a DM or send me an email: [email protected]
