Your Fresh Start

fresh start grow new year Jan 03, 2024

If you've been tuning in, you know we've been doing some major, deep, deep internal work. We've been getting rid of those self-sabotaging behaviors, we've been renewing our minds, and we've been walking in boldness and courage. We have been getting rid of fear, we've been on a true journey of soul care, paving the way for incredible things in 2024.

Today, we'll explore how to embrace this fresh start and make the most of this brand-new year.

Isaiah 43:19 whispers, "Behold, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth. Do you not perceive it?" Let this be our prayer: Open our eyes, Lord, to your grand design. Help us grasp what you're doing and what you want to do. Missing out wouldn't do!

So, how do we actively embrace this "new thing" God has in store?

Set Clear, Achievable Goals. No vague resolutions here! Think like God's co-creator. What specific experiences do you believe He has for you this year? Dig deep – your spiritual walk, family, finances, career – let Him paint the dream with you. Remember, these are goals set with the Holy Spirit, not simply dictated to Him.

Imagine a blank canvas. We hold the brushes, dipped in God's vibrant colors, ready to paint a masterpiece this year. Let your light shine, illuminate the world with your unique God-given hues. I, for one, can't wait to see it unfold!

Reflect on the Past (Intentionally). No dwelling, just mindful reflection. Isaiah 43:18 advises, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past." We're not yearning for what's gone or mourning missed opportunities. Instead, we learn and grow from experiences, both triumphs and stumbles. This reflection paves the way for setting achievable goals that propel us forward.

Look back with a discerning eye. Did something amazing happen? Ask yourself, "How can I carry this into the future?" Conversely, learn from challenges. Identify behaviors and mindsets you want to leave behind. Growth and planning bloom from thoughtful reflection.

Establish New Routines. Embrace the fresh start and inject excitement into your life! 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" As a community, we've embarked on a transformative journey, renewing ourselves from the inside out. Now, God whispers, "I have new experiences waiting for you on the outside. Embrace them!"

Get pumped about these new routines! They're the springboard for your fresh start.


Remember, you're not alone in this. We're a community journeying together, celebrating each other's triumphs, and cheering each other on through challenges.

Together, let's make this year a testament to God's boundless love and grace!


Today on the podcast, we are bringing in the new year with a new series all about embracing the new. In this episode. we unpack embracing a fresh start. As you start this year, set achievable goals, reflect on the past, establish your routines, and surrender your plans to God. Let's raise our level of expectation as we embrace the new that God has for us. During this process, open your hearts for God to show you, YOU. Embrace you and your fresh start. 

Key Highlights of the Episode:
— Embrace the new

— We are starting this new year strong

— It is time to embrace your fresh start

— Set clear achievable goals

— Open up your expectations

— Reflect on the past

— Establish your new routines

— Surrender your goals to the Lord

— Embrace the new you

— Allow God to show you, YOU

Don’t miss this episode and let me know if this inspired you in any way. I always love hearing from you and connecting with you. Send me an email: [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @aprilnicolescip 

Let's further connect. Join my Community, the Live Love Lead Community. We are a group of purpose-driven women living Christ-centered lives. 

Grab your copy of The More in Your Morning Journal by CLICKING HERE.

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