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Moving from Vision to Action

"But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth]." — James 1:22 (AMP)

Receiving a vision from God is just the beginning; the real journey begins when we start to execute it. Many of us are given divine inspirations, but they remain just ideas unless we take intentional action to bring them to life. I truly believe that now is the time to move forward with your God-inspired vision and my desire today is to help you transition from dreaming to doing.

"But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth]." — James 1:22 (AMP

When I read this verse in James, I am reminded about the importance of action in our spiritual lives. It’s not enough to simply receive the word or a vision; we must also act on it to truly fulfill God’s purpose for us.

Take a moment to reflect on this scripture and consider how it applies to the vision you’ve been nurturing. How can you shift from thinking about it to taking intentional action? How can you cultivate your faith in a way that moves you to making the impact you were created to make?

Here is what I want you to do:

  1. Define Clear, Actionable Goals - Start by translating your vision into specific, measurable, and achievable goals. This makes your vision tangible and provides clear markers to measure your progress.

  2. Create a Detailed Plan - A well-laid plan acts as a roadmap for your vision. Outline the steps you need to take, resources required, and timelines for achieving your goals. Anticipate potential obstacles and plan for contingencies.

  3. Mobilize Resources - Gather the resources necessary to execute your vision. This may include seeking financial wisdom and/or support, rallying a team, or acquiring certain skills. Remember, God often provides through the community and opportunities around us.

  4. Take the First Step - The hardest part of executing a vision is often taking the first step. Commit to starting, even if the initial action is small. Momentum builds as you progressively engage with your tasks.

  5. Maintain Accountability - Find a mentor or a peer group that understands your vision and can hold you accountable. Regular check-ins can keep you motivated and provide valuable feedback to refine your approach.

As you take steps to execute this week, remember that each step requires faith. You may not have ALL the steps laid out in front of you and that's OK. You only need the NEXT step! So whatever God has told you to do, regardless of how small the step may seem, take that step in faith.

Take some time to reflect:

1. What specific steps can you take this week to start executing your vision?

2. How does your vision align with God’s word, and how can you ensure it continues to do so as you act on it?

3. Who in your community can help hold you accountable to your action plan?

God's got you! If you want some bonus points (LOL), write down three key actions you can take this month to move your vision forward. Then, schedule a meeting with a mentor or coach to discuss your execution plan. If you want to schedule a coaching session with me, send me an email OR a DM on Instagram and I'll let you know how you can schedule it. I know God has so much in store for you. It's time to take action!

Dear God, as we take bold steps to execute the vision you have planted in our hearts, give us courage, wisdom, and discernment. Help us to stay faithful to the things you have spoken to us and remain steadfast in our efforts, knowing that you are with us every step of the way. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

By actively moving forward with your God-inspired vision, not only do you fulfill your divine purpose, but you also inspire those around you to pursue their own callings with faith and determination. Let this be the time you start doing what you’ve been dreaming of, with God’s word as your guide and the Holy Spirit giving you supernatural strength.

As you are on your faith journey, I would love to connect more. Make sure you are following me on Instagram! - @aprilnicolescip

Thanks for hanging out with me today! 

I love you with the love of Christ! ~ April Nicole Scipio 💛


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